The weird thing about being 6 weeks younger than my spouse is that when he has his Birthday in August I start thinking I'm a year older and then by the time it's my Birthday I think I'm a year older than I really am. I thought this was some weird little quirk of mine until I was talking to my sister and she admitted to doing the same thing.
So Matthew took the day off for my Birthday and asked his parents to watch Corinna and
Dakotta so that we could head to Atlanta. I've been itching to get to the
IKEA for sometime, but not so much that I was willing to do it by myself with little ones in tow. Once we got there Matthew needed to make a Pit stop, so I was walking around the lobby trying to figure out my game plan. I went to grab a catalog, since I had left mine at home, but there was a small group of people in my way. They appeared to be planning something and I wasn't sure if they were employees or not. Trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, in case they were sales people, I quickly went for the catalog when a gentleman who looks like someone I think I should know looks at me and nods. About the time I see all the camera equipment I realize that it's Vern Yip, a designer from Trading Spaces and other TV shows.
IKEA was a little overwhelming and I don't think Matthew realized what he was getting into. I've been looking for the perfect
scrapbooking table since Mother's Day and of course the one from the catalog that I really wanted to see was out of stock. But I got some good ideas and we did get some fun things for the kids rooms. Not exactly what I had in mind for my Birthday present but if it helps keep their junk off the floor I'll be happy.
After we were done at
IKEA we decided to head to our favorite
Thai restaurant. Unfortunately, since neither Matthew or I spend much time in Atlanta these days, instead of the the wonderful little
restaurant we love we were greeted with a giant mound of dirt in the the middle of down town Atlanta. We drove up 14
th street and were lucky enough to find
Tamrind Seed. The new place was so fancy and I felt a little
under dressed in jeans but the food was as good as I remembered it. And the best part is that there were plenty of leftovers.
As the staff oohed and
aaahed over Elliott, I was reminded of the first time I ate at the old
restaurant. I was a new mom and one of the hostess was quite taken by
Rebecca, who was about 9 months old at ther time.
Rebecca was restless and had been trying to get out of the high chair. She reached out to the hostess who picked her up and before I knew it the lady was taking my baby to see the other waiters. I was a little taken aback by it and Matthew and I whispered things between us and decided she was safe. Then she totally startled me by taking my baby to the kitchen and out of my site. That's when I gave my dear husband that Mother Bear look. He quickly hopped up and headed to the kitchen. I think the hostess must have realized her
faux pas about the same time because she came out and returned her to my arms.
Rebecca of course was as happy as could be. These days I may have made a run for it while she was in the kitchen. Well not really, or maybe, just long enough to pee in silence.
Now to top off my great day I'm going to go enjoy some Triple chunk Brownies. TTFN